How to Get Free YouTube Subscribers
GiantLikes May 25th, 2020 Youtube
Have you just started a new YouTube channel? Starting from scratch is fun as you get to experiment with things. You don’t have a lot of subscribers to judge you, and people also understand that you are new to the world. So, you get some time to improve yourself and learn how to do things the right way. But, at the same time, it will be a challenge as well.
Since you won’t be having a lot of subscribers, it can be hard to find the motivation to keep creating new content. Moreover, you need a minimum of 1000 subscribers in order to get your YouTube channel monetized. You won’t be able to make any money on YouTube if your channel isn’t monetized. But even if you reach the 1K mark on YouTube, you will still need to get a 4000-hour watch time to get your channel monetized.
You will be able to achieve this goal if you have more subscribers, as more people will watch your videos and give you watch time. Well, once you reach a certain point, it becomes very easy to gain subscribers as people know what this channel is all about. But things can be hard in the beginning as a new creator may not know the right strategy to gain subscribers.
If you are also facing such issues, there is nothing to worry about because I have got you covered. I have made a list of some easy ways that you can follow to get free YouTube followers. The best thing about these ways is that you will gain real subscribers, and there won’t be any bot traffic on your channel. Sounds interesting? Let’s hop into the list and have a look at the best ways to gain free YouTube subscribers.
How to Get Free YouTube Subscribers?
- Create Quality Content
One of the best and most effective ways of getting more subscribers on YouTube is to create quality content. Yes, creating the best content can be hard in the beginning, but people also understand that. The key here is to give your best while creating a video. Try to keep your message clear to the audience, and people will appreciate that. Also, try to explain everything in detail as people won’t appreciate partial clarity on the topic.
Try to do some research before creating a video, and be clear about the topic yourself. If you aren’t clear about the topic, it won’t be possible for you to deliver it properly. Delivery is also important when it comes to creating quality content. Your delivery skills will also come into play and you should keep working on it. Confidence is another important factor here, and you should look confident while delivering. As I said, you don’t have to be perfect from the very first day, but you should try to keep improving the quality of your content.
- Ask Viewers to Hit the Subscribe Button
Asking your views to hit the subscribe button can also help you gain more subscribers. Not everyone who watches your videos will subscribe to your channel. People may forget to hit the subscribe button even if they like your content. So, you should ask your audience to subscribe to your channel in every video. But don’t look desperate while doing it as it may send the wrong signal out there.
You wouldn’t want your reputation to go down, and trust me, building a reputation is very important if you want to be a successful creator on YouTube. Mentioning it once would be enough; however, you can mention it once in the beginning and once at the end of every video as well. Also, request your audience to press the bell icon as well, and be polite while doing so.
- Keep People in the Loop
Your goal should be to keep people coming back to your channel. Well, this is the motive behind getting more subscribers, right? If you are successful in keeping people in the loop, you are more likely to gain more subscribers in less time. You can end your videos talking about an upcoming video, and if someone is interested in the topic, he will subscribe to your channel and visit again.
The use of end screens can also encourage people to subscribe to your channel as they will be attracted to watch another video. Once a person has finished watching a video, your goal should be to keep him watching more. On the other hand, if you finish your videos without using end screens or mentioned your upcoming videos, people might find things a bit flavorless.
- Target Your Audience
Targeting your audience is very important when it comes to being successful on platforms like YouTube. People should be clear about the kind of videos you are making because it will give them a clearer picture of your channel. If a person is interested in fitness videos, he would like to subscribe to fitness channels. In the same way, if someone is interested in roasting videos or gaming videos, he will look for related channels.
By targeting your audience, you will be increasing your chances of getting more subscribers. At the same time, you will get quality subscribers. By quality, I mean those subscribers will engage in your videos because they will be interested in the topics. So, make your audience clear about your niche; however, you can cover multiple niches as well.
- Use a Catchy Channel Name
One of the most important steps here is to choose a catchy name for your channel. Since you are planning to make it a brand someday, it becomes important to choose a relevant name. I didn’t mention it first because it is important to choose a name that suits your niche. You should choose a funny name if you are planning to run a roasting channel. In the same way, you should try to choose a sober name if you are planning to run an educational or fitness channel.
Moreover, your name should be unique as it will be easier for your audience to find it. If you choose a name that is already existing on YouTube, you will have to compete with the other creator. Also, it may be hard for people to distinguish if both channels are having nearly the same subscriber count. If you don’t want your audience to get confused while searching for you on YouTube, try to choose a unique name.
Furthermore, the name that you choose should be easy to search for, and it shouldn’t be too long. Nobody would want to search for a thirty-letter name as it would be frustrating. It will also make it hard for you to rank on YouTube search. So, make sure that you put in some thought while choosing your channel name.
- Use Quality Thumbnails and Avoid Using Clickbait
Another impressive way of gaining more subscribers on YouTube is to use good quality thumbnails. Attractive thumbnails will attract more people, which will improve the click-through-rate of your videos. Since getting more people to watch your videos is directly related to getting more subscribers, this approach will prove beneficial for you. If you are confident about your content, the only thing that is left to do is to get more viewers on your channel.
But, don’t use clickbait as it may frustrate people. Your existing subscribers may also unsubscribe to your channel if they get tricked into watching something that they didn’t want. The best approach here is to give people a glimpse of the content in the thumbnail. Your thumbnail should be related to the video only, but it should attract people at the same time. Sounds difficult? Trust me, it’s quite simple. You will get better at it with time, and you can change the thumbnail of your older videos if they aren’t getting views.
- Be Consistent
Being consistent is very important when it comes to gaining subscribers on YouTube. You should try to upload videos on a regular basis. If you can’t upload two videos every day, you should try to upload at least one. But if you don’t have time to create content at a faster pace, try to follow a particular schedule. Keep creating content whenever you get time, and upload it following a particular schedule.
You can choose two to three days a week to upload videos. But don’t keep people waiting for too long as it may make you lose existing subscribers as well. The more you upload, the more audience you are likely to reach.
- Celebrate Your Milestones
Celebrating your milestones is one of the most effective ways of encouraging people to subscribe to your channel. If you have reached the 1K mark on YouTube, you can create a video to thank your existing subscribers. It may encourage other people to subscribe to your channel as well because it sends a message to people that you are thankful to your subscribers. Being polite with your subscribers is very important when it comes to achieving success on YouTube.
Well, you don’t have to wait to reach the 1K mark, you can celebrate getting 100 subscribers as well. However, it would be better not to make a separate video in such a case. You can simply thank people at the beginning of a video and put it in the thumbnail or title. This will send the same message of thankfulness to people, which will definitely be appreciated.
- Use the Right Title for Your Videos
Using the right title for every video is very important. As I mentioned earlier in this article, you should try to reach out to more and more people if you want to gain subscribers. You can’t gain subscribers if you don’t reach out to new people, as people won’t get to know about your channel. But what if one of your videos rank in YouTube search and you get an organic audience without putting in any extra effort? It would be the best thing that could happen to you in the initial stages.
Well, the best way of achieving it is to do keyword research. You should try to focus on keywords that don’t have high competition, as it will be easier for you to get on the top this way. But you should also keep the search volume in mind while doing it. There is no point in focusing on a keyword that has a search volume of 50. You won’t get the desired number of people to watch your videos this way.
Try to be smart and do experiments with the title. Keep keyword placement in mind while choosing a title. At the same time, try to make the title as catchy as possible. It will force people to view your video, and if they like the content, they will subscribe to your channel.
- Run a Contest on Your Channel
Another great way of getting more subscribers on your channel is to run a contest. Since it is your channel, you get to set the rules. Well, try to make the rules as easy as possible because it will make more and more people participate in the contest. You can ask the participants to subscribe to your channel and hit the bell icon. This way, you will get genuine followers and they may engage in future videos as well.
These were some of the best ways of getting free subscribers on YouTube. All the methods that I have mentioned here are very easy to follow, and all of them are effective as well. The best thing here is that you can use these methods at the same time as well, which will make things even more effective.
I hope you found this article helpful and liked the ways that I mentioned. If you have read this article carefully, you might have figured out that quality is the most important thing here, and you shouldn’t compromise on it at any cost. If you keep providing quality to your audience, the subscriber count will keep increasing with time. Be patient, and keep creating content. You will definitely reach new heights with your YouTube channel.